The Queen’s Gambit Boozy Jello Salad is the perfect dish for anyone looking for throwback as they throwback some drinks!
Spoiler For: Nothing! Safe for newcomer consumption.

The Queen’s Gambit
Amelia MEETS Mad Men MEETS Any competition show (Glee, Cheer, etc.)
Creator: Scott Frank and Allan Scott based on the book by Walter Tevis
Platform: Netflix
Premiere: October 23rd, 2020
Premise: Plucked from a YA novel cliche, Beth Harmon is an orphan and secret genius, who rises above her humble beginnings and through a series of strategic moves, and help from a rotation of nerdy hotties, makes her mark in the world of competitive chess during the 1960s.
Signature Sting Rating: ⅘ tentacles
“The Queen’s Gambit” Boozy Jello Salad: FOR A RETRO THEMED PARTY FOR ONE
You need:
-1 big bowl and molding pan
-A taste for nostalgia and a penchant for shopping at thrift stores
-A hankering for underdog stories that lean a little tropey with the writing at times but get a pass because the art department nailed everything else.
Disclaimer: Please DO NOT add red hair dye to this recipe. You WILL be tempted but red hair should never be done at home. Please consult a specialist.
-1 red-headed orphan (non-singing variety)
-3 chess playing hotties (use beloved Sci-Fi franchise leftovers)
-2 troubled mother figures (may overpower the recipe so make one an addict and the other bi-polar)
-50 killer mod outfits!
-1 Cool rebel best friend with heart of gold
-1 Stoic mentor
-Eyeliner…. lots of eyeliner.
-Wanderlust for places like Mexico City, Paris, Moscow, and Cleveland.
-A dozen evil Commie Russians (ask your grandma for her recipe!)
-A sprinkle of pills
-Enough red wine to fill the elevator in The Shining
Take all the ingredients and mix together in a large bowl, pour into mold, and put in the refrigerator to gel. Once mixture is solid, cut into 7 slices, eat, and enjoy the buzz!
